Featured Articles

Joint Statement: The Impact of AI on the European creative communities

Statement on AI training by authors and artists

EWC contribution to the AI Office consultation: Future-Proof AI Act



On the occasion of the international conference Challenges of European Book and Reading Policy, organised by the Spanish Ministry of Culture and  the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the…

EIBF, FEP, EWC – Common Statement: For the sake of the book chain and democracy

On the occasion of the Frankfurt Book Fair, the biggest book fair in the world, the European Writers’ Council (EWC), the Federation of European Publishers (FEP) and the European and…


By Oisín McGann, Irish writer and graphic artist.                     You are an artist suffering from a strange kind of amnesia. You…

The success of Generative AI in the book sector is based on theft

Generative, analytical and assistive informatics, sub-areas of so-called artificial “intelligence”, threatens numerous jobs and fields of labour in the book sector and will replace some professions by machines in the…
13 Organisations signing on AI Act

AI Act: 13 International and European Authors’ and Performers’ federations call for a human centric approach to generative AI

The EWC, together with 12 European and International authors’, performers’ and other creative workers’ organisations, urgently call for a human centric approach to generative AI, built upon informed consent, transparency,…

Speech on AI for our Welcome reception in June at Berlin

© Dapper Entertainment By René Sydow, German satirist, author and performer The following is a speech given by Mr Sydow at the EWC Annual General Meeting Welcome reception, held in…


Already, numerous criminal and damaging “AI business models” have developed in the book sector – with fake authors, fake books and also fake readers. It has been proved that the…

Stolen Identities and Click Farms

By Eystein Hanssen, Vice President of the European Writers’ Council, Chair of the Norwegian Society of Authors.     Amazon experiences a flood of pseudonym authors generated by Artificial Intelligence,…

European Writers’ Council (EWC) on the AI Act Proposal: Plea for the ART principle

The following is the second statement of EWC on AI. It is intended to inform decision makers during the trilogue phase of the (EU) AI Act Proposal.  With it, we…

WRITOIDS: A violation of Human Rights

By Dr Miguel Ángel Serrano, President of EWC and Human writer.
The author reflects on the systematic violation of intellectual property by big corporations and how that is harming writers in three levels: economic, reputational and psychologic.

Please, do not call it intelligent

By Nina George

Nina George is a New-York-Times bestseller novelist, President of Honor of the European Writers’ Council and it’s Commissioner for Political Affairs. She is actively facing the challenges of AI by participating in many fora at a European level.

AI: An ethical reflection

By Jens J Kramer, former Chair at The Syndikat, Germany. Jens is a crime novels writer. 

The following is a speech given by Mr Kramer at the EWC Business Issues Forum (BIF) held in Berlin on 3rd of June 2023. The BIF was made possible with the collaboration of EWC and the co-sponsors VG Wort and KulturWerk.